The flora of Mexico It is one of the most diverse in the world with around 26,000 species of flowering plants. It is the fourth country in the world i...
There are about 7,000 plant species in the temperate forests of Mexico. In this country, you can find 50% of the world's pine species, and 200 specie...
The plant life cycle describes the different stages these living beings go through from the beginning of their life to the end. This cycle begins with...
Some endangered plants of Peru They are the titanca puya, mahogany, cat's claw, amancaes flower, cinchona, queñoa or the hercampuri. Peru has more tha...
Dypsis lutescens, Also commonly known as the “bamboo palm”, “areca palm”, “butterfly palm” or “golden fruit palm”, it is a fast-growing palm, native t...
The spermatophytes or phanerogams, also known as "seed plants", are a large monophyletic lineage of plants that belongs to the group of lignofitas (wo...
Anthracnose is a very common fungal disease in tropical regions that affects stems, leaves and fruits under conditions of hot and humid climate. Known...
The tobacco mosaic virus (TMV, of English Tobacco Mosaic Virus) is a plant RNA virus that causes the appearance of brown spots on the leaves of tobacc...
Botrytis is a genus of imperfect phytopathogenic fungi belonging to the Sclerotinicaeae family of the Ascomycota division. They develop in environment...