Morus alba It is a species of deciduous tree with a branched and leafy stem that belongs to the Moraceae family. Known as white mulberry or simply mul...
A iron chelate It is a complex formed by the union of an iron atom and a compound that contains two or more molecules of cyclic structure. The term "c...
Epipremnum aureum It is a species of epiphytic and perennial plant that belongs to the Araceae family. Commonly known as potos, pothos, potus or telef...
Pteridium aquilinum It is a species of perennial fern that belongs to the Dennstaedtiaceae family. Known as amambáy, fern, eagle fern, common fern, fe...
Capsicum It is a genus of herbaceous or shrubby plants and annual or perennial cycle that belong to the Solanaceae family. It comprises a group of app...
Smilax aspera It is a species of perennial shrub that belongs to the Smilacaceae family. Commonly known as Moorish, salsaparilla, dog grape, ivy, bram...
Vitis vinifera It is a species of climbing plant with a woody trunk and flexible branches that belongs to the Vitaceae family. Commonly known as grape...
Philodendron is a genus of herbaceous climbing or shrubby terrestrial plants, belonging to the Araceae family. Known as liana, monkey banana, philoden...
The nightshade They are a taxonomic family of herbaceous or shrub angiosperms that belong to the Solanales order of the Magnoliopsida class. This grou...