The importance of the human nervous system it derives from the infinity of functions it fulfills. This system is made up of a series of elements that ...
The science applications They are the set of systematic knowledge that is used to solve problems in practice with the scientific method as a basis. Ap...
The advantage of using multiples and submultiples of the gram is that they allow you to write very large or very small amounts in a shorter and easier...
The mexican scientists They have made great contributions to humanity, starting with the ancient civilizations that developed mathematics, astronomy, ...
The self care, In nursing, it refers to all those behaviors that a patient can perform aimed at improving their health or general well-being. These be...
The fluids They are continuous media whose molecules are not as bound as in solids, and therefore have greater mobility. Both liquids and gases are fl...
The experimental method, Also known as scientific-experimental, it is characterized because it allows the researcher to manipulate and control the var...
The types of science that are distinguished at present are four: factual sciences, social sciences, natural sciences and formal sciences. The word sci...
The observation direct It is a method of collecting data on a particular individual, phenomenon or situation. It is characterized because the research...