Accounting is related to other sciences such as economics, mathematics, statistics, administration or even computer science. Accounting is a multiface...
The global warming it is the generalized increase in temperatures and modification of the climate of planet earth. This has several causes, such as th...
The primary sources They are documents that contain original information that has not been edited, translated or restructured. They are also known as ...
Robert hooke He was a British scientist also known as "the man of the Renaissance" in 17th century England. He obtained this name thanks to his extens...
The it was azoic it was the oldest and longest stage in the development of planet Earth. The word azoic is of Greek origin and means "lifeless" or "li...
The telescope serves for observe objects at a distance thanks to electromagnetic waves such as light. The term telescope comes from the Greek words TV...
The thermonuclear astrophysics It is a specific branch of physics that studies the celestial bodies and the release of energy that comes from them, pr...
Among the main inventions of the modern age The compound microscope, the lightning rod, the thermometer, the steam engine and the modern refrigeration...
The research variables are the different characteristics or properties of living beings, objects or phenomena that have the particularity of undergoin...