The fossils are important for the various scientific branches, since they allow us to know what life was like on our planet. Fossils are the remains o...
The association of strata and fossils arises because the rocks or sediments that make up the soil are stacked in layers that contain fossils. The olde...
The types of research thesis The most common used for degree projects are documentary, field, experimental, descriptive, historical, analytical resear...
The planets that do not have natural satellites are called Mercury and Venus. A natural satellite is a smaller celestial body that orbits a planet. Sa...
The main relationship between chemistry and medicine is given by the composition of matter. Medicine investigates chemical reactions in the body in or...
The sidereal or sidereal day It is the period of time it takes for the earth to rotate on itself, measured with respect to any distant star. This day ...
If the earth were closer to the sun the density of the atmosphere would cause a greenhouse effect. The temperature would probably rise to 480 ºC and t...
The geometry serves to solve various problems related to measurements of areas, lengths and volumes. It is a set of concepts, theorems, hypotheses and...
The investigation background It is the information that identifies and describes the history, as well as the nature of the problem that is being inves...