The dependent and independent variables they are the two main variables of any experiment or investigation. The independent (VI) is the one that chang...
The uses of aluminum both in daily life and in the industrial field there are several, being used as an electrical conductor, for the transport and pr...
The field research examples They include those that are carried out by collecting information and data directly at the study site. It is done to learn...
The state of the art of an investigation, TFG, TGM, project or thesis, refers to the state of the investigations or works that already exist on the su...
A harmful agent It is a physical, biological or chemical agent that when in contact with any living organism can be highly dangerous. These agents hav...
The graphics they are a way of showing information through the use of a drawing, which gives the viewer an easy way to understand what is being expose...
The theoretical research It is the one carried out with the objective of collecting information on any subject, and increasing our understanding of it...
The Inpure and applied research They are two types of scientific research based on their purpose or purpose. We know that research is a scientific met...
The Central Nervous System (CNS) is the division of the nervous system that is made up of the brain and spinal cord. It has many and very diverse func...