The Problem Statement It is the first section of a research project or thesis, usually applied to end of secondary, baccalaureate, bachelor's, master'...
The translucent objects they are those through which the light or the irradiations travel undergoing some scattering. As a result, the images behind t...
The transparent objects they are those that the light passes through completely. One consequence of this is that the figures behind them can be seen t...
A scientific report o Scientific report is a written, visual or oral document prepared for the purpose of providing scientific information on a specif...
The relationship of technology with natural and social sciences it has been symbiotic, especially after the Industrial Revolution. It is generally ass...
The critical thinking by Richard Paul is a disciplined intellectual process that actively seeks to analyze, conceptualize, summarize, and value inform...
Some consequences of hurricanes more important are strong winds, torrential rains, waves and swells and the interruption of activities. Hurricanes...
The opaque objects They are those that are not crossed by visible light. These types of objects do not transmit this light, but they can absorb it, re...
The cognocytivism It is a current or theory of knowledge that is based on the use of reason and logic to guarantee the learning of a subject, through ...