Among the main technical creations of history The microscope, the wheel, the telescope, the steam engine, the light bulb, the automobile, the photogra...
The unit systems They consist of sets of standard standards intended to measure the various quantities used in science and engineering. They are based...
The instruments for measuring pressure They are devices of different materials that have an element that changes in some way when subjected to pressur...
The centrioles They are cylindrical cellular structures composed of clusters of microtubules. They are made up of the protein tubulin, which is found ...
The hominid Lucy it is a skeleton of the species Australopithecus afarensis discovered in Hadar, Ethiopia. It was at the time the oldest fossil record...
There are three types of scientific concepts: metrics, classifiers and comparatives. Concepts are abstract units of knowledge that serve to explain th...
The natural and social environment in meeting the needs human It is a subject under debate today, because it involves the way in which man relates to ...
A technical report It is a document that aims to describe the process, progress or results of a technical or scientific investigation. In some cases, ...
The tape measure or tape measure it is a direct length measuring instrument, made of a flexible material so that it can be rolled up, an important qua...