The syneresis is a linguistic-metric resource that facilitates the union of two vowels in a single sound within the same word, despite the fact that t...
The word unveil refers to the action by which an object, person or fact is discovered or brought to light. Its meaning is clearer when it is said that...
The word "argüendero " refers to a person who is a gossip and is employed mostly in America, in countries like Mexico or Nicaragua. It is common to he...
The "euthermia”Is the maintenance of a person's body temperature and is a term that is used mainly in medicine. There is talk of "eutermia" in the mom...
The word interrelation refers to a bond of the same degree that is generated between two or more people. But it is also about a mutual relationship be...
The word "pyknic”Refers to a type of human body that is short, rather fat and tends to obesity. Its use is common in the world of nutrition, but it is...
The word "asthenic”Refers to asthenia, which is a pathology that causes a person to feel with little energy or too fatigued to face their daily activi...
The word stratification It comes from the verb stratify, and means to divide or arrange into strata, which refer to layers or levels. Stratification c...
The word "leptosomal”Refers to a type of physical texture that has particular characteristics, according to the classification made by Ernst Kretschme...