A existential crisis it is a moment in which a person questions their existence and begins to think that life has no meaning, they wonder if this life...
Why are you sad? There can be several causes, although they can generally be divided into two: internal or external. Endogenous (internal) depression ...
The citalopram is a well-known antidepressant drug that is part of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) drugs. It is one of the substance...
The emotional disorders o Mood disorders are one of the most common types of psychological illnesses. They are characterized by a significant alterati...
The childhood depression it is characterized by sadness, apathy, irritability, negativity, hypersensitivity, negative self-concept or even attempted s...
You may get over a divorce for infidelity or bad coexistence if you act in the appropriate way and have patience, although it is a painful process. Cu...
There are many natural remedies for depression that can help you combat it, especially if it is mild or moderate. Although psychotropic drugs can work...
Depression is one of the most common illnesses in developed countries, as well as being probably the best-known mental disorder. It causes a set of ex...
The self harm are those behaviors that involve self-inflicted physical damage, usually cuts (85%), burns (30%), blows (32%), punctures, scratches, pin...