There are different types of depression depending on different factors such as its duration, severity or symptoms. It is an evil that can affect anyon...
The psychotic depression is a major depressive disorder that is accompanied by delusional ideation (delusions) and sensory-perceptual disturbances (ha...
When you are depressed you can take certain actions to reverse the situation and feel better, such as doing sports, doing some normal activity, seekin...
The tricyclic antidepressants (ADT) are one of the first antidepressant drugs discovered. Its name is due to its chemical structure, which is composed...
A depression for love It is characterized by low energy, feelings of sadness and negative thoughts. All this related to a recent couple breakup; love ...
The death of a loved one is the most painful experience that a human being has to live. When a known person dies, be it a colleague or the neighborhoo...
To know how to help someone with depression, The first thing you have to know is what you are dealing with. Depression is a complex illness that can l...
The reactive depression it is a mood disorder related to major depression, but it has some important differences with this condition. The main one is ...
Die of sadness is a popular expression, although is it possible? I've been doing research on it and I'll tell you what I've found. The power of the mi...