The capital company and industry It is the one that is constituted by one or more partners who contribute with capital, called capitalist partners, an...
The mercantile companies are legal entities formed by an association of people, whether natural, legal, or a mixture of both, to carry out a commercia...
The bonded warehouse It is the name used to name the place in which the customs authorities are in charge of guarding, storing, unloading or loading t...
The titles and credit operations They are instruments, supported on paper and duly signed, that carry and record the action of a private right. Theref...
The import modalities in Colombia are the different ways of declaring the merchandise that is the object of importation, indicating if it is freely av...
Taxable income It is a legal term that refers to all the income that must be added or accumulated in order to cause a tax. The resulting total amount ...
The amicus curiae is a professional person or organization that assists the court of law by providing information or advice on matters of law or other...
The legal axiology It is a branch of the philosophy of law in charge of studying, understanding and making a critical analysis of moral and legal valu...
The legal logic It is the science that studies and analyzes the thoughts and texts related to law from a logical point of view. Its objective is to ac...