The legal science or science of law refers to the discipline that is related to the legal system, its interpretation and systematization to give it a ...
The Rights positive They are the legal norms or laws established by the organism of a state that exercises the legislative function. They oppose negat...
The classification of law It is as follows: public law and private or civil law, each of which is divided into several branches. Law is a set of norms...
The real sources of law they are all the factors, circumstances, phenomena or events of different nature and significance that determine the content o...
The legal institutions they are legal systems dedicated to managing phenomena, behaviors or different areas within society. Institutions are part of t...
The wrongful crime or quasi-delict is a legal expression that refers to an action or an omission that causes damage, without the intention of causing ...
The illegitimate enrichment It is a legal figure that occurs when there is an increase in assets without just cause, achieved by an individual to the ...
The private right It refers to the set of norms and principles in charge of regulating the relationships that exist between private citizens. This bra...
A commutative contract It is a civil legal convention where each of the contracting parties grants and receives an equivalent and reciprocal value. Af...