I leave you with a list of stupid questions that can be used to laugh, to play a game or to take a few moments of the day to reflect on issues that so...
I leave you the best I never asked questions to use in a round, being divided by categories (children, adolescents, adults) and with several script tu...
A laminar It is a traditional visual resource that serves to support the teaching-learning process. This resource consists of a series of sheets prepa...
I leave you the best uncomfortable questions to ask your friends, your partner or your crush. These questions are ideal to get people out of their com...
The Crack Family phrases The most emblematic ones talk about the situation of those who live on the streets, about love, drugs, freedom and the import...
We leave you 25 riddles of the Andean region of Colombia to learn a little more about the traditions, folklore and culture of this region. The C...
Between the colors that start with the letter G there are gray, garnet, gules, gamboge, suede and glaucous. All these gradations are the result of mix...
The jokes with analogy for children They are ideal for them to learn the similarities between different things. The word analogy refers to the relatio...
The phrases of The Pastillas of the Grandfather reflect the nature of this Argentine rock band, characterized by fusing rock with various styles, such...