Mini-coaching to increase motivation in the study Roberto Crobu, Psychologist and Coach of Optima Coaching will guide us in this session: 1. In what c...
Around the exams, we are more concerned than usual about squeezing performance and quickly achieving good results. The best formula is continuous stud...
Since we are in full exam dates, here is a compilation of articles with tips and techniques to study better and more productively. How to study, work ...
Today I want to share a little trick that I have always innately used to memorize certain types of information. It is something that I consider so obv...
A study has shown that when we learn new information and then fall asleep, we facilitate the implantation of this information in the long term memory....
As a result of the great acceptance of the post how to better remember what you study, I wanted to delve a little deeper into the subject. In that pos...
A priori it may seem that the answer to this question is very simple. We would all say that studying a lot is better than studying a little. This is a...
Finally one afternoon you decide to start studying. This is a new subject and it is the first time you open the book. You set yourself the goal of rea...
The creation of mind maps is a very effective way to graphically represent information that we have in our mind. They are a creative way of taking not...