The benefits of having a dog For health they are to protect against cardiovascular diseases, improve mental health, meet new people, reduce stress, in...
The mental hygiene It is a concept that is used to define the set of activities that allow a person to have mental health and be in balance with their...
Have a relationship of happy couple it is essential to have a good quality of life and to enjoy life. Spending time together and improving communicati...
Be supportive It involves caring for the welfare of others and making the choice to act and collaborate to achieve it. Solidarity is taking the cause ...
The mood it is an emotional state that can have a positive or negative valence. In other words; people talk about having a positive or negative mood. ...
Martin Seligman is an American psychologist, educator and writer, known for his theory of learned helplessness, the theory of learned optimism and for...
The catharsisĀ It is the process of releasing negative emotions. This term is used to define the therapeutic effect of the expression of emotions, as w...
TheĀ positive psychology is a branch of the science of human behavior that focuses on understanding those aspects of life that make life worthwhile. It...
Increase serotonin naturally in the brain is important to have a good level of mental and physical well-being. Serotonin is one of the most important ...