Recover the illusion It is important to return to pursue goals and dreams in life. Without the illusion, lives become darker, less fun, and more monot...
The negative attitudes They are negative dispositions and behaviors that a human being shows temporarily or constantly. That is, if a person has a neg...
This article is about a reflection for be grateful and learn to value what we have. Some people live so fast and are so little aware of their privileg...
The positive emotions they are psychophysiological reactions, a reaction of both our body and our mind, that appear at a certain moment. Many times wh...
The law of attraction positive affirms that you attract into your life what you are constantly thinking, whether good or bad and in any area: in love,...
Learn to be happy In life, with or without a partner and whether or not you have money, it is one of the best decisions you can make in your life. Bei...
You suffer from emotional codependency when your happiness is supported by another person or partner, or if you are in a relationship that you need to...
The benefits of laughter and smiling are both physical and mental and occur in work, general life and in children, adolescents, adults and the elderly...
The types of happiness, According to the famous psychologist Seligman, they are the pleasant life, the committed life, the relationships, the meaningf...