The examples of ethical issues arise from a fact or event in which a situation arises that may be possible both in a real and hypothetical way, and is...
The philosophical methods are the various ways that philosophers have used throughout the history of human thought to approach knowledge. Today there ...
The multicausality it is a rational principle that states that every phenomenon has multiple causes. The philosophical concept of causality refers to ...
The epicurus hedonism it was a philosophical doctrine that associated pleasure with calm and peace. Its importance lay in finding a way to reduce the ...
The moral virtues are those qualities that the human being possesses, either by nature or acquired, that lead him to act in accordance with morality. ...
The ethical judgment It consists of making the most appropriate decision in the face of a dilemma in which the one that is most in line with morals an...
The syllogism It is a term created by Aristotle (384-322 BC), a philosopher considered the father of logic and one of the founders of Western philosop...
Some of the mexican philosophers The most important have been Leopodo Zea Aguilar, Alfonso Méndez Plancarte and Gabino Barreda. Mexico could be consid...
The moral or socratic intellectualism It is a moral theory developed by the Greek philosopher Socrates in which it is affirmed that the knowledge of w...