Philosophical methods what they are and their characteristics

David Holt
Philosophical methods what they are and their characteristics

The philosophical methods are the various ways that philosophers have used throughout the history of human thought to approach knowledge. Today there is consensus in saying that philosophy does not pretend to arrive at absolute truths, but rather seeks an explanation for certain human aspects.

Philosophy is a continuous intellectual dialogue, it is the rational and constant inquiry about the problems that can anguish a society, to address issues such as morality, beauty, truth, existence, the mind, knowledge or language.

Philosophers answer the momentous questions of life. Source:

Whoever does philosophy is aware that the concept reached can be refuted, revised and subjected to criticism. It could be said that the two bases on which the philosophical task is mounted are the way of approaching a problem and the use of a rational discourse, through which it is argued.

What are the methods of philosophy?

Maieutic method

Jacques-Louis David, The Death of Socrates

The maieutics is to bring out the light of understanding that is in the intellect of each person through dialogue. Its main exponent, and who created the method, was Socrates, perfected by Plato, who was his disciple. This method was developed between the 5th and 4th centuries BC..

Mayeutics, in Greek, means "art of helping to give birth." Socrates' mother was a midwife, and the philosopher redefined the concept and applied it to philosophy as the "way to help give birth to knowledge".

Through dialogue he wanted the interlocutor to get to the truth, but discovering it for himself. For this he used reasoning and irony (the so-called "Socratic Irony"), with which he made the disciple understand that what is known is generally based on prejudices..

Socratic maieutics assumed that knowledge was accumulated in individuals, offered by tradition, experiences and experiences of previous generations, and through dialogue the interlocutor was invited to let that knowledge come out, reasoning, arguing and debating.

The philosopher, through questions, forces (attends the delivery) the disciple, who finally "gives birth", that is, comes to knowledge.

Rational empirical or ontological physical method

Bust of Aristotle (Source: Kaio hfd / CC BY-SA ( via Wikimedia Commons)

Ontology is a part of philosophy that studies what is around us, and the relationship between entities (or beings that are). Aristotle also called it "metaphysics" or "first philosophy" to refer to the study or investigation of being as it is..

This method is also called logical physical or rational empirical. Through observation and approach to nature, the human being understands it. That is why we start from the experience and try to explain it by applying reason.

When data is received from the senses, reason seeks to explain them in an intelligible and logical way. This line of thought was widely adopted by later philosophers, such as Saint Thomas Aquinas, in the 13th century..

The Aristotelian method wants to obtain the truth, the knowledge of things, through deduction, induction and analogy. It is also known by the name of Aristotelian logic.

Rationalist method

Portrait of René Descartes

It is also called methodical doubt, or Cartesian method. Its most notable representative was René Descartes, in the seventeenth century, with his famous Discourse of the method and his famous phrase: "I think, therefore I exist".

The methodical doubt is the deductive procedure that questions reality; Doubt is, then, the basis of the method, reason being the only legitimate source for producing knowledge. Everything that passes through reason will be true.

Empiricist method

David Hume by Allan Ramsay

This method focuses on experience and evidence, through sensory perception, for the generation of knowledge. In other words, starting from the sensible world, the concepts are formed.

Empiricism would be translated as experience, and it developed in Great Britain in the eighteenth century. Its main exponent is David Hume, and is usually opposed to the rationalist method, more developed in continental Europe.

For Hume, the human mind is a kind of blank page, a clean sheet, where it receives information from its surroundings and from nature, through the senses..

Distrust reason and elevate aspects such as feelings and imagination. It is fundamentally inductive. It is currently related to 20th century scientism.

Transcendental method

Immanuel Kant by Johann Gottlieb Becker (1720-1782)

It is also called transcendental idealism. According to Immanuel Kant, who was the one who proposed it in the 18th century, all knowledge requires the existence of two basic elements. The first is the object of knowledge, external to the subject, which is a material principle.

The second is the subject itself, which is known, and constitutes a formal principle. What Kant proposes is that knowledge does not start from the object but from the subject, since this is the one who knows.

In this way, what matters is not so much the object but who knows, that is, the subject, and this is a milestone in Western philosophy because from Kant on, philosophy will revolve around that rational subject, and not about nature..

This leads Kant to pose his philosophy as an anthropological philosophy.

Phenomenological method

Edmund Husserl, 1900

It was a philosophical movement founded by Edmund Husserl at the beginning of the 20th century, and it aims to study the world from subjective experience. That is, it tries to explain phenomena (objects external to the subject) from subjective consciousness.

For phenomenology, consciousness has intentionality insofar as it is consciousness of something, it needs an object alien to it to be consciousness; In this sense, awareness of the "I" is not enough, but rather one that is open to reality and of being in the world, intentionally.

Phenomenology decisively influenced other methods applied to other disciplines, such as literature, religion or psychology. And for the emergence of existentialism.

Linguistic analytical method

Photograph of Ludwig Wittgenstein by Clara Sjögren

This method emerged in the 20th century, after World War II, in the United States and Great Britain. Try to decipher the world by explaining the language and the concepts that can be expressed with it.

One of its greatest exponents is Ludwig Wittgenstein, and his philosophy of language. His proposal is that most of the philosophical problems are based on an incorrect use of language, on erroneous interpretations.

The philosopher, then, through the analysis of language, will explain each human experience, since it is communicable. The words we use, and even the way we speak, will reveal to the analyst certain hidden problems, and even unconscious positions on things..

It is a method widely used in linguistics, in psychology and in disciplines focused on discourse analysis..

Hermeneutical method

Friedrich Nietzsche

Hermeneutics is the art of interpreting texts. Although it is born from phenomenology, hermeneutics goes further. One of its illustrious precursors was Friedrich Nietzsche.

This method presupposes that the cultural environment cannot be ignored and that everything that surrounds the human being must be interpreted in terms of verbal, written and non-verbal communication. Thus, the philosopher will try to decipher the non-visible meanings behind each word, and through interpretation give an adequate explanation.

Martin Heidegger, Hans-Georg Gadamer and Paul Ricoeur developed this philosophical method which, together with the phenomenological and analytical method, make up current philosophy, and it could be said that a large part of it is hermeneutic.

Dialectical method

Portrait of Hegel by Jakob Schlesinger, 1831

This method, as old as mayeutics, has undergone notable changes in its scope throughout history. In its original meaning, it alluded to a dialogical argumentative method similar to logic.

But in the 18th century it assumed the current concept: two opposing ideas that when colliding promote the birth of a new idea, or its overcoming..

Schematically, it can be explained by presenting a problem, the thesis, to which an opposite concept is opposed, which would be the antithesis, and whose resolution (or new understanding) will be the synthesis.

G.W.F. Hegel was the one who carried it forward, proposing a continuous and incessant transformation of things and for the unity of opposites, where the synthesis would have more truth than the thesis and the antithesis.

Karl Marx
John Jabez Edwin Mayal. Public domain

Then Karl Marx would assume it when analyzing the socioeconomic reality of his time, saying that "the history of humanity is the history of class struggle": two opposing classes that promote the birth of a new one. It is Marxist dialectical materialism.


  1. Daly, C. (2010). An Introduction to philosophical methods. Broadview Press. Taken from
  2. The philosophical methods (2012). Taken from
  3. Martén, S. (2019). Philosophy and its methods. UCR Magazine, University of Costa Rica, pp. 229-235. Taken from
  4. Philosophical Methods (2020). Taken from
  5. Transcendental method (2020). Encyclopædia Herder. Taken from

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