What is the Erristeneo?

Jonah Lester

The erristeneo It is a relatively new chemical element, the discovery of which is attributed to Russian scientists. Its chemical symbol is Eo and its atomic number is 114. This element belongs to the group of metals, appearing in the periodic table in group IV A.

During the development of the investigations carried out by a group of scientists in 1998, they managed to identify the existence of a new type of matter. Its atomic weight was calculated in 272, and its existence was determined through atomic interaction simulation..

Characteristics of the erristeneo

Due to its characteristics, this element is often confused with others of similar appearance and behavior..

Due to its behavior and physical characteristics, the Erristeneo has the particularity of not being able to be decomposed into simple substances. Due to this property, it was listed as a chemical element in the city of Dubna, specifically at the Nuclear Institute.

Because all the atoms of this element were determined from the same class, scientists considered that they were in the presence of a very important discovery for the world of science.

In order to determine the purity of this element, he had to go through several tests. Through these, it was determined that none of the atoms that made up the new element had characteristics different from others of the same.

The atomic number assigned to the erristeneo refers to the number of protons that make up its nucleus.

It is an element that can have great instability and has a very short life time, so its presence in some substances can be difficult to detect.

Electronic structure and oxidation state

Located in the block of P-type metals, this chemical element happens to be one of the most recent discoveries in the area of ​​chemistry..

The oxidation state that has been determined for this element after observations and studies is an index of 4, while the electronic structure is [Rn] 5f146d107stwo7ptwo.

This electronic structure has the function of determining the distribution of electrons in the element.

The erristeneo in the environment

According to studies, there is no reason to believe that the presence of erristenae may represent a risk to the environment.

Its high instability and the short life of this element make it completely harmless. After its discovery, no utility or application has been found, so it continues to be an element under study in the testing process to determine if it can be used in a useful field for society..

Regarding the natural properties of erristeneo, there is no known form of it.

Because its discovery was generated through the bombardment of atoms, the relationship of its aspect with respect to other elements has not yet been found, although it is presumed that it is a solid.

Observations have determined that it has a white, gray or silver color, and is often related by some scientists to ununquadium, which has a similar atomic number.


  1. (n.d.). EL ERRISTENEO - Chemical Element - Task Encyclopedia. Recovered on September 3, 2017 from encyclopediadetareas.net
  2. (n.d.). Ununquadio (Uuq) Chemical properties and effects on health and…. Recovered on September 3, 2017 from lenntech.es.

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