The Epicureanism it was a philosophical system that appeared in the 4th century BC. C. in Athens. It was created by Epicurus of Samos, who taught his ...
Between the modern philosophers The most important include René Descartes, John Locke and Denis Diderot, among many others. It is about a group of cha...
Zeno of Citio was a Greek philosopher whose main contribution was the creation of Stoicism. This philosophical school faces the supporters of Epicurus...
The gnoseology or theory of knowledge it is a branch of philosophy that studies general knowledge. It contemplates the study of nature, as well as the...
The amazement in philosophy It is the feeling that illuminates the mind, allowing the human being to come out of the shadows with respect to his own e...
The dogmatism It is the epistemological and ontological perspective through which it is considered possible to know things in themselves and, therefor...
The philosophy of nature or natural philosophy is the name given to the great variety of beliefs about nature that existed before the development of w...
The fallacies they are a type of misleading reasoning even if it seems true, based on arguments with little solidity, that try to convince another per...
The nativity in philosophy it is a theory that supports the preexistence of ideas or fundamental notions of thought of innate origin; that is to say, ...