The gnoseology or theory of knowledge it is a branch of philosophy that studies general knowledge. It contemplates the study of nature, as well as the origins of knowledge. Epistemology does not analyze only a specific area, but focuses on how man is capable of acquiring knowledge and the consequences of it.
According to the postulates of gnoseology, the human being uses a series of sources, als which bring him closer to reality and truth. These sources are perception, representation, concept, judgments, meaning, interpretation and deduction..
It is worth noting that gnoseology should not be confused with epistemology, because the latter focuses particularly on studying scientific knowledge, the use of hypotheses and the regiment of laws and principles, unlike gnoseology, which focuses on the origin of the knowledge.
Article index
-The first studies related to gnoseology start from ancient Greece thanks to the dialogues of Theetetus, who proposed an analysis and classification of the studies.
-Aristotle also made a series of contributions on the subject, by stating that knowledge was obtained empirically (or through the senses). He also made the first explorations about metaphysics.
-The Middle Ages was an interesting time for the study of knowledge. Saint Augustine stated that knowledge was achieved thanks to divine intervention, and Saint Thomas Aquinas collected the first postulates of Aristotle to establish the bases of the theory of knowledge; this showed a deep rejection towards the realistic and nominalist vision.
-Thanks to the advances made during the Renaissance, a series of advances in knowledge were given way through the invention of instruments that gave greater rigor to science and other studies. This also served as a prelude to Modernity.
-During the s. XVII characters like John Locke and Francis Bacon defended empiricism as the main source of knowledge. There was a greater deepening of the studies of the matter and its relationship with man.
-In 1637 and 1642 René Descartes published the Discourse of the method and the Metaphysical meditations, respectively, and introduced methodical doubt as a resource for obtaining secure knowledge. Thanks to him the rationalist current arose.
-Empiricism and rationalism became the prevailing currents at the time. Immanuel Kant proposed the so-called transcendental idealism, which indicated that man was not a passive entity but was part of a progressive process in terms of obtaining knowledge.
Kant established two types of knowledge: one of character a priori, that it is the type that does not need proof since it is universal; and other a posteriori, which is the one that needs a series of tools to check its validity. At this point another subbranch of gnoseology emerged: German idealism..
-In the S. XX manifested phenomenology, a current of the theory of knowledge that is considered a middle point between theory and experimentation. It takes into account aspects more of a logical nature because it depends on the intuition of the scientist.
-On the other hand, in the Anglo-Saxon School (United States, New Zealand, Canada, United Kingdom and Australia) a type of current called analytical philosophy was developed, which rescues empiricism and scientific research to understand the meaning of reality.
-In 1963, the so-called Fitch Paradox was introduced, an approach derived from the postulate "if all truth could be known, then all truth would be known." However, it must be taken into account that the concept of truth is broad and, at times, subjective..
Epistemology focuses on the study of the nature, origin, obtaining and relationship of knowledge in the human being, without taking into account particular areas of study.
That is, it is limited to determining how man is capable of knowing the truth and reality from the interaction of the subject and the object..
According to the etymology of the word, it derives from the Greek terms gnosis, which means "faculty of knowing"; Y logos which refers to doctrine or reasoning.
-Study the types of knowledge, its origin and the nature of things.
-Study the nature of knowledge in general, not particular knowledge, for example from mathematics, chemistry or biology.
-It usually differentiates between three types of knowledge: direct, propositional and practical.
-For gnoseology there are two ways of acquiring knowledge: reason and senses.
-It begins in Ancient Greece, with the Platonic dialogue Theaetetus.
-One of its main problems is justification, that is, under what circumstances a belief could be called knowledge.
Epistemology considers the different problems of knowledge, which are:
Philosophers question the possibility of knowledge of the object of study.
Ask if the knowledge was obtained by experience or by reason.
It is related to the interaction of the subject and the object, while asking which of both has the true importance.
What is the difference between belief and knowledge? Something would be true and knowledgeable if your reasons / justifications are reliable, valid and well founded. Otherwise, it would be an opinion, conviction, belief or faith.
Due to the problems posed by gnoseology, there are different possibilities or types of knowledge:
It assumes that we can all acquire safe and universal knowledge, so there is no problem of knowledge.
Man can reach the truth thanks to reality. Errors are seen as events that are unlikely to happen. "The being of things" predominates.
Unlike dogmatism, skepticism indicates that not all knowledge is safe.
Defended by Kant, he argues that it is possible to approach the absolute truth at the same time that we find provisional assumptions that, in some way, will lead us to the final goal. Question the origin of knowledge.
Knowledge is obtained from experience and what is perceived through the senses. At present it is considered one of the main branches in terms of processes of obtaining knowledge.
Defended by René Descartes, it indicates that man is born with ideas and that reason is the means to obtain the truth.
Developed by Immanuel Kant, this doctrine arises as a critique of rationalism and empiricism to, instead, defend the fact that the subject is not a passive entity but is also capable of interacting with the object.
The subject reaches the knowledge of the truth and constructs it through the rationing following the interaction with the object.
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