The chromosome theory The chromosomal theory of inheritance is one of those that was developed in the path of biologists to try to explain the transmi...
A haplotype it is a region of the genome that tends to be inherited together through multiple generations; typically it is all located on the same chr...
The hollandic inheritance It is the transfer of genes linked to the Y sex chromosome from parents to children. These genes are transferred or inherite...
The forensic genetics It is a specialty that uses techniques and knowledge of genetics and medicine to solve legal problems. Currently its main functi...
A dominant gene It is responsible for defining the "dominant" characteristics of the phenotype in individuals. The term "phenotype" corresponds to the...
A recessive gene It is responsible for defining the "recessive" characteristics of the phenotype of individuals. The phenotype derived from these gene...
The heritability It is the property that a quantifiable phenotypic character of a population has to be shared or inherited through the genotype. Gener...
A isochromosome is an abnormal metacentric chromosome that is caused by the loss of one of the arms of the parental chromosome and the consequent dupl...
The replication of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) consists of copying the genome, that is, all the genetic information contained in the DNA of an organis...