The Recombinant DNA (RDNA or rDNA) is an artificial nucleic acid molecule created in the laboratory, by integrating segments of interest from two orga...
The mechanisms of inheritance are those that control the passage of genes or genetic characteristics from parents to children and are given, through t...
A dominant allele it is a gene or a character that is always expressed in the phenotype, even in heterozygous organisms that have variations for the s...
The genotype It is defined as the set of genes (with their alleles) that code for a particular trait or characteristic, which are distinguished from o...
A transcription factor it is a regulatory "accessory" protein necessary for gene transcription. Transcription is the first step in gene expression and...
The karyotype It is a photograph of the complete set of metaphasic chromosomes that details aspects of their number and structure. The branch of medic...
The alleles they are the different variants or alternative forms in which a gene can appear. Each allele can manifest as a different phenotype, such a...
The term phenotype literally means "the form that is shown", and can be defined as the set of visible characteristics of an organism that are the resu...
The alternation of generations It consists of the succession of two different generations of the same species. That is, the plants alternate between g...