The Tropic of Cancer spans 3 continents, spanning 16 countries in total. Among them we have Mexico and India. Next we will know the natural regions th...
The agricultural space It is the technical-economic unit where agricultural, livestock and forestry activities are carried out. It includes both the l...
The lake malawi o Nyasa is a large lake located in East Africa. It is the third largest of those located in the Rift Valley and the one furthest south...
The Bravo River It serves as a natural border between several countries (Mexico and the United States), as well as several of their respective cities ...
The relationship between latitude and climate becomes visible when the first concept modifies the second with temperature or atmospheric pressure cont...
The categories of analysis of geographic space are all those classifications by means of which the analysis of the geographical space can be categoriz...
The Challenger Abyss it is the deepest site in the ocean on record so far. This area has been explored on several occasions by research teams and it h...
The cultural regions of Oceania They are Australasia (Australia and New Zealand), Micronesia, Polynesia, and Melanesia. Oceania is made up of Australi...
The basin relief, Better known as the city of Santa Ana de los Ríos de Cuenca, located in Ecuador, it is a territory with a natural drainage system th...