The peaceful coexistence it was a concept applied to international politics during the second half of the 20th century. The first to use the term was ...
The Lutheranism It is a religious movement and doctrine spread by the German friar Martin Luther, which emerged as a response to the corruption in whi...
The greek muses They were one of the divinities that abounded in Ancient Greece and who had less power than the gods of Olympus. These are young maide...
The Viceroyalty of Peru it was one of the political and administrative entities that the Spanish Empire created in its American colonies after the con...
The social stratification is a horizontal division of society into higher and lower social units, that is, it refers to the dispositions of any social...
The famous pirates of history were people who committed acts of violence at sea, for example theft of boats. Pirates and buccaneers have been one of t...
Francisca Zubiaga and Bernales (1803-1835), known as "La Mariscala", was the wife of Agustín Gamarra, who assumed the position of President in the Per...
The stages of prehistory are the different phases prior to the beginning of history and go from the original appearance of the first hominids (the anc...
The talion law is the name of a principle that indicates that when a person inflicts damage on another, he must receive exactly the same damage that h...