Herodotus of Halicarnassus (484 and 425 BC) was one of the first historians of humanity. He also stood out as a geographer, as he was in charge of dra...
Karl Marx (1818-1883) was a philosopher and thinker focused on social and economic issues. He defended philosophical materialism, because he argued th...
Fernando Montes de Oca (1829-1847) was one of the six Niños Héroes; historical figures in the history of Mexico for their participation in the events ...
Pedro Aguirre Cerda (1879-1941) was a Chilean politician, professor and lawyer who held the presidency of the country between 1938 and 1941. Previousl...
Antonio López de Santa Anna (1794-1876) was a Mexican military and politician whose figure marked the first decades after the country's independence. ...
The Klein Saks Mission It was a commission made up of a group of US experts hired by the Colombian government to try to improve the country's economy....
Luis Miguel Sánchez Cerro (1889-1933) was a military and politician born in Peru in 1889. After several years of military career, he reached the presi...
Treaty of Tlatelolco is the name given to the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean. It is an agreement sig...
The causes and consequences of the French Revolution they reflect the turbulent society of the time. Among the main causes, economic instability stand...