The elements of a monograph They are the title page, introduction, index, development, conclusion, notes and bibliography. A monograph is the writ...
The formative reading It is a type of reading whose objective is to learn about a certain topic. It encourages a change in the reader's thinking or be...
The persuasive texts are those in which an author seeks to convince readers that their opinion is correct. Sometimes, this type of text is intended to...
The poems of literary creationism They juxtapose images and metaphors in a bold way. They also often use an original vocabulary, combining words indiv...
The poems of literary classicism have a writing style that consciously emulates the forms and theme of classical antiquity. Literary classicism w...
Some characteristics of fables more important are its pedagogical purpose, its animated characters and its simple structure. In literature, the fa...
The rhetorical figures They are resources that are used in speeches, both written and oral. These are used to create rhythm, sound, images, relationsh...
The gentilicio adjective In its broadest use, it denotes a relationship with a place, which can be a city, region, country, neighborhood, town, or any...
The verbal modes They are verbal categories related to the speaker's attitude to the events he is communicating. Roughly, the facts can be real, proba...