To know what are the divisors of 60, It is convenient to realize that they are also called "factors" of a number that, in the specific case at hand, i...
Two or more angles are complementary angles if the sum of its measurements corresponds to that of a right angle. As is known, the measure of a right a...
Two points A and A 'have central symmetry with respect to a point O when the segment AA 'passes through it and is also the midpoint of AA'. Point O is...
Two or more are supplementary angles if the sum of its measures corresponds to the measure of a straight angle. The measure of a straight angle, also ...
The bow, in geometry, it is any curved line that connects two points. A curved line, unlike a straight line, is one whose direction is different at ea...
The rectangle It is characterized by being a flat geometric figure that has four sides and four vertices. Of these four sides, one pair has the same m...
A eneagon is a polygon with nine sides and nine vertices, which may or may not be regular. The name eneágono comes from the Greek and is made up of th...
The Euclidean distance is a positive number that indicates the separation between two points in a space where the axioms and theorems of Euclid's geom...
The Inverse matrix of a given matrix, it is the matrix that multiplied by the original results in the identity matrix. The inverse matrix is useful ...