The tetraplegia or quadriplegia is a sign that is characterized by total or partial paralysis of the upper and lower extremities. This alteration occu...
The rhinorrhea is the expulsion of cerebrospinal fluid through the nose. It can occur from a post-traumatic event such as a fracture or spontaneously....
A scotoma It is an alteration that is characterized by the experimentation of a zone of blindness in the visual field of the person. The condition cau...
The slough tissue, or simply slough, it is a mixture of dead cells and inflammatory fluid that is deposited in and around the wounds. It is considered...
The thyrotoxicosis It is the set of symptoms and clinical signs derived from high levels of circulating thyroid hormone in the blood. In some cases it...
The tachysphigmia is the acceleration of the pulsations outside the normal parameters. Specifically, it occurs when the pulse rate is greater than 100...
The adenomegaly is the growth of lymph nodes in one or more regions of the body; This growth is a consequence of the reaction of the lymph nodes (whic...
The hemianopia It is the loss of vision in one or both eyes, but only in half the visual field. Despite the peculiarity of this condition, it is not u...
The febrile reactions are a group of laboratory tests specially designed to diagnose certain febrile diseases that are clinically almost indistinguish...