Franz fanon He was a Caribbean-born writer and philosopher who greatly influenced the revolutionary movements of the 1960s. Being consistent with his ...
Jean watson is a nursing theorist born in the United States in 1961. Her Theory of Human Care has made her one of the most prominent figures in the fi...
John snow He was one of the leading physicians in England in the early 19th century. Born in York in 1813, his studies on epidemiology helped reduce t...
The íerythrocyte indices They are a compendium of studies done with a whole blood sample to determine the conditions of the red series, which is the c...
Nola pender is an American nurse who developed a health promotion model. The main characteristic of this prevention model is that it emphasizes those ...
The Bladder tenesmus it is the urgent need to urinate, occurring repeatedly, even when the bladder is empty. It is a symptom that is related to volunt...
The myoglobinuria refers to the presence in the urine of myoglobin, a protein that is found in the muscles and fulfills the function of storing oxygen...
The tetany It is a symptomatic entity that produces an involuntary muscle spasm or contracture due to increased excitability of the peripheral nerves....
The biopsychosocial model it is an approach that understands disease and health as a set of factors that include biological, psychological and social....