The toxic waste are all materials, liquid, solid or gaseous, that can cause damage when ingested, inhaled or absorbed through the skin. There is talk ...
The water recovery and reuse of the environment make up one of the most popular techniques to combat drought in areas with a lack of water. For this, ...
Between the countries in the world richest in natural resources There are Russia, the United States, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Iran, China, Brazil, Austra...
The biosphere has great importance for living things for various reasons: it provides food and raw materials, conserves biological diversity, prevents...
The air-ground environments They are all those places that have the capacity to house animals that can develop and function both on land and in the ai...
The stony ground It is a type of soil that contains rock formations inlaid with stone. Obtaining such a formation is carried out through the doubling ...
The natural resources can be classified as renewable or non-renewable, biotic, abiotic, potential, current, reserves and stock. Natural resources are ...
The air utilities they are more than you can imagine. It is the main element for the preservation of humans, animals and plants on Earth. Among them, ...
The Palm Savannah It is an extensive neotropical ecoregion that encompasses the lowlands of the south west Amazon basin and meets the eastern fall of ...