The Yucatan natural resources They are very diverse, although the most exploited for more than 150 years has been the henequera industry. This consist...
The rain erosion or fluvial is the manifestation of the action of rain on the earth's surface. In general, erosion is the erosion of the land by force...
The basic form of harness the energy of the wind o wind energy is generating electricity with the use of turbines. Wind energy is that which is obtain...
What percentage of energy consumed is there in the world? According to experts too much. And it is that according to the data provided by the website ...
The Extense livestock farming It is one that seeks to take advantage of the land in the most efficient way possible, giving priority to sustainability...
The impact of fuels in the environment it can be very serious, since they are elements that burn very easily. Currently, fossil fuels (those derived f...
The ecosystems of Peru They are quite diverse mainly due to the geographic location and physiography of this country. Peru is located in the tropical ...
The Mediterranean forest it is a biome dominated by the tree biotype that develops in Mediterranean climate conditions. This climate is characterized ...
In our own home we can obtain alternative energy in various ways. The most common include solar panels and other types of generators and energy storag...