The Arrecifes de Cozumel National Park It is a protected area destined for tourism and species conservation, in the municipality of Cozumel in Quintan...
The rural environment It is a geographic space with a low number of inhabitants, in which economic activities are mainly focused on the collection, ex...
The atmospheric humidity is the amount or volume of water vapor that is present in the atmosphere. The main source of moisture in the air comes from t...
The lotic waters they are the waters that are continuously in motion, regardless of speed. There are different ways to classify the waters that are pr...
Rivers are formed when they receive a continuous source of water such as a spring. A river is a stream of natural water, which flows through a bed fro...
Between the consequences of air pollution The most harmful include acid rain, the smog effect, the extinction of species, the greenhouse effect, among...
The renewable resources They are all those factors that satisfy a human need and can be replaced at a rate equal to or greater than their consumption....
There are several types of soils in Venezuela, which are not uniformly distributed and their distribution is varied throughout the country. The nation...
The silty soil It is the one that is composed to a greater extent by silt, a sediment whose size does not exceed 0.05 millimeters. Given its small and...