The rain forest It is a plant formation dominated by the tree biotype with a complex structure that develops in the intertropical zone. It is characte...
The natural environment It is the space constituted by living beings and the set of physical, chemical and biological components with which they inter...
The term cattle refers to any group of cows, bulls and oxen, of any breed, raised domestically in order to extract some type of product from them. Amo...
Some characteristics of an ecosystem most important are its abiotic and biotic components, food chains or stochastic events. An ecosystem is a set...
The high jungle or rupa rupa It is one of the 8 natural regions of Peru, being the part of the Amazon rainforest that develops in the foothills and ea...
A ecosystem It is a delimited area where a set of living and non-living components interact, exchanging matter and energy. Although everything on the ...
The earth's atmosphere It is the gaseous layer that surrounds the planet from the earth's surface to a diffuse limit at approximately 10,000 km of alt...
The axes of sustainability they are the dimensions on which sustainable development is supported; that is, the ethical and responsible satisfaction of...
The environmental ethical codes they are a set of principles, values and norms that seek to regulate the activities that negatively impact the envir...