The Gerstmann syndrome it is a rare neurological and neuropsychological disorder in the general population. At the clinical level, this syndrome is de...
The nervous system diseases central They can be divided into two types: malformations and alterations. The prenatal and postnatal development of our n...
The multiple sclerosis it is a progressive disease of the central nervous system characterized by a generalized lesion of the brain and spinal cord (C...
The putamen It is a narrowing of the brain that is located right in the middle region of the brain. Together with the caudate nucleus, it forms a subc...
The Moebius or Möbius syndrome is a rare neurological pathology characterized by the involvement, absence or underdevelopment of the nerves that are r...
The spasticity It is a medical condition in which there is an abnormal increase in muscle tone, that is, muscle stiffness. This symptom interferes in ...
The Edwards syndrome or trisomy 18 is a genetic pathology characterized by the presence of multiple congenital anomalies. It is the second most common...
The amphetamines They are substances that perform a stimulating action on the central nervous system. Despite being popularly known as illegal drugs a...
The cognition It is the ability of living beings to process information from perception, knowledge and subjective characteristics. It encompasses proc...