The tonic clonic seizures, formerly called "grand evil crises", they consist of a type of generalized crisis. That is, it is an imbalance in brain act...
The semantic memory it is a type of declarative memory that allows people to generate general knowledge about the world and about language. It is a ty...
The pathophysiology of depression it is based on differences in brain structures such as the size of the amygdala, hippocampus or prefrontal cortex. L...
The reptilian brain, Also called the R complex, it is the phylogenetically oldest area of the brain, and is responsible for the most primitive and i...
The cerebellar ataxia It is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by a progressive atrophy of the cerebellum, which produces a loss of neurons lo...
The allodynia It is a pathology caused by a lesion of the nerve endings in which severe pain is experienced by stimuli that are painless or that do no...
The dysesthesia It is a neurological disorder characterized by the weakening or alteration of the sensitivity of the senses, especially touch. This co...
The extrapyramidal syndrome is a motor syndrome that is caused by injury or degeneration of the basal ganglia of the brain and their pathways of assoc...
The Ramsay-Hunt syndrome It consists of a peripheral-type facial paralysis (PFP), caused by the herpes zoster virus. In addition, it is associated wit...