The Broca's aphasia it is an alteration of the language due to a brain injury. This type of aphasia was discovered in 1861 by Paul Broca, who observed...
The myeloproliferative syndromes They are a group of chronic diseases that have serious consequences on the health and life in general of the people w...
The Bloom syndrome is a rare disease of autosomal recessive inheritance that is characterized mainly by three aspects: growth retardation, hypersensit...
The Robinow syndrome It is a pathology of rare genetic origin that is characterized by the presence of multiple alterations and body malformations, es...
The Cockayne syndrome It is a disorder of genetic origin that causes premature aging during childhood and adolescence. At the clinical level, it is ch...
The transcortical motor aphasia It arises from a lesion that leaves the perisylvian language areas and their connections intact, but at the same time ...
The potter syndrome is a rare and serious autosomal recessive inherited disorder that affects newborns and is characterized by marked oligohydramnios ...
The global aphasia It is mainly characterized by an inability to convert thoughts into language, as well as difficulties in understanding the verbaliz...
The brain functions as a structural and functional unit made up mainly of two types of cells: neurons and glial cells. It is estimated that there are ...