The Seckel syndrome it is a congenital disease characterized by the presence of dwarfism and intrauterine growth retardation that lasts until the post...
The craniosynostosis It is a rare problem of the skull that causes the baby to develop or present deformations in the head at birth. It is about the e...
The Sandifer syndrome is a disorder of the upper gastrointestinal tract that has neurological symptoms and usually appears in children and adolescents...
The frontal nocturnal epilepsy (ENF) appears at night and is manifested by autonomic activation and unusual motor behavior. It is about the appearance...
In this article we will discuss 10 activities for children with cerebral palsy that can be useful to improve capacities and quality of life. Cerebral ...
The Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome it is a rare genetic pathology whose clinical characteristics are mainly due to the loss of genetic material. It is chara...
The Fahr syndrome it is a pathology of hereditary genetic origin associated with the development of cerebral calcifications. This disorder is mainly c...
The savant syndrome, also known as sage syndrome, it is a rare condition in which there is an association between various pervasive developmental diso...
The memory diseases They are pathologies in which the ability to remember events in the short or long term is affected. Procedural memory, that is, th...