Anabaena It is a genus of prokaryotic photosynthetic cyanobacteria, that is, they are unicellular, without a defined nucleus, with genetic material, b...
Gymnodinium catenatum It is a photosynthetic, atecado dinoflagellate, capable of producing toxins that cause paralyzing envenomation by molluscs. This...
Chytridiomycota or chytridiomyceta is one of the five groups or phylla of the kingdom Fungi (kingdom of fungi). So far, about a thousand species of Ch...
A coccobacillus it is a bacterium with a cellular morphology intermediate between a coconut and a bacillus. It is usual for bacteria to be classified ...
The dimorphic fungi are those that present two different anatomical or morphological forms: a mycelial and a yeast-like form. This property of dimorph...
The euglenoids (Euglenophyta) are a group of relatively small, eukaryotic, unicellular organisms, generally biflagellates, from aquatic or humid envir...
Noctiluca is a genus of unicellular marine eukaryotic organisms belonging to the phyllum Dinoflagellata (dinoflagellates). The genus is composed of a ...
There are a wide variety of single-celled organisms that are used to make food. Since ancient times, man has used microorganisms to make bread, wine, ...
The plankton It is the set of pelagic aquatic organisms that are at the mercy of aquatic currents. They are organisms unable to swim or, although they...