The excretion in bacteria and protists it is carried out by various cellular mechanisms. These include passive transport, made up of osmosis and diffu...
The term mesophiles It is used to refer to organisms that reach their optimal development at temperatures ranging between 20 and 45 ° C. Although all ...
The thermophilic bacteria They are those that have the capacity to develop in environments with temperatures greater than 50 ° C. The habitats of thes...
The autotrophic bacteria they are microorganisms that present a fairly complex metabolic apparatus. These bacteria are capable of assimilating inorgan...
The heterotrophic bacteria, Also called organotrophs, they are microorganisms that synthesize their own biomolecules from complex carbonaceous organic...
Acetobacter is a genus of gram negative bacteria that encompasses a large number of species, many of them commercially important. It was first describ...
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae It is a gram negative bacterium, mainly responsible for porcine pleuropneumonia. Although it was isolated for the firs...
The aerobic bacteria They are a large group of bacteria that are characterized by the fact that they need oxygen for their metabolic processes. These ...
Porphyromonas gingivalis It is a gram negative bacterium that belongs to the Porphyromonadaceae family and is commonly found in infectious processes o...