The pareidolia it is a psychological phenomenon by which the mind detects a familiar pattern in a stimulus that does not really contain it, usually a ...
The cognitive habilyties are the competences related to cognition, that is, the ability, conscious or unconscious, to take the information received, a...
The repetition learning it is one of the basic mechanisms by which human beings are capable of acquiring new knowledge and skills. It is based on the ...
The introverts they are those who tend to feel better in situations where they are alone. Contrary to what most people think, this trait has nothing t...
The systemic thinking it is the ability to solve problems within a complex system. It is based on the multidisciplinary study of systems; entities for...
The convergent thinking is a term created by Joy Paul Guilford in opposition to divergent thinking. It refers to the ability to correctly answer quest...
The laissez faire leadership It is a leadership style characterized by the great freedom that subordinates enjoy. Contrary to what happens in other mo...
The receptive learning It is a learning or teaching method in which students receive information already prepared by an instructor. Their only job in ...
The democratic leadership, Also known as participatory or shared leadership, it is a way of leading groups or teams in which the components of the sam...