The dipole dipole forcesĀ or Keesom forces are those intermolecular interactions present in molecules with permanent dipole moments. It is one of the V...
The Van der Waals forces they are intermolecular forces of an electrical nature that can be attractive or repulsive. There is an interaction between t...
The chemical polarity It is a property that is characterized by the presence of a marked heterogeneous distribution of electron densities in a molecul...
The primary carbon It is one that in any compound, regardless of its molecular environment, forms a bond with at least one other carbon atom. This bon...
The unit cell It is an imaginary space or region that represents the minimum expression of a whole; that in the case of chemistry, the whole would be ...
The butanal it is an open chain aldehyde, made up of four carbon atoms, and is analogous to butane; it is in fact the second most oxidized form of the...
The cyclohexene is a cyclic alkene or olefin whose molecular formula is C6H10. It consists of a colorless liquid, insoluble in water and miscible with...
The iodine acid It is a chemical compound of the formula HIO2. This acid, as well as its salts (known as iodites), are extremely unstable compounds th...
A saturated solution It is a chemical solution that contains the maximum concentration of solute dissolved in a solvent. It is considered a state of d...