The calcium nitrate is a tertiary inorganic salt whose chemical formula is Ca (NO3)two. From its formula it is known that its solid is composed of Ca ...
The molar absorptivity it is a chemical property that indicates how much light a species can absorb in solution. This concept is very important within...
The heat vaporization or enthalpy of vaporization is the energy that a gram of liquid substance must absorb at its boiling point at constant temperatu...
The Periodic properties of the elements are those that define their physical and chemical behavior from an atomic perspective, and whose magnitudes, i...
The Beer-Lambert law (Beer-Bouguer) is one that relates the absorption of electromagnetic radiation of one or more chemical species, with its concentr...
The carbon atom it is perhaps the most important and emblematic of all the elements, because thanks to it the existence of life is possible. It enclos...
The law of conservation of matter or mass It is one that establishes that in any chemical reaction, matter is neither created nor destroyed. This law ...
The calcium phosphate is an inorganic and tertiary salt whose chemical formula is Ca3(PO4)two. The formula states that the composition of this salt is...
The atomic radio it is an important parameter for the periodic properties of the elements of the periodic table. It is directly related to the size of...