The Pearson's syndrome it is a disease of the mitochondrial type that affects the whole body, that is, its involvement is multi-system. Its onset occu...
The Netherton syndrome it is a rare dermatological disease of genetic origin. At the clinical level, it is characterized by the presentation of a clas...
The Todd's paralysis it is a type of postcritical or postictal paralysis that follows some types of seizures. It is usually described as a motor defic...
The pimples or spots by Fordyce are ectopic sebaceous glands that appear as red, yellowish-white or skin-colored bumps or spots on the shaft of the pe...
The diabetic neuropathy It consists of a type of nerve damage that occurs due to the existence of diabetes, a disease characterized by high levels of ...
The metamorphopsia it is a visual distortion that alters the perception of objects in the visual field. This condition is caused by an alteration in t...
The Paget's disease, Also called osteitis deformans, it is a chronic disorder that affects the bones. It is characterized by an exaggerated growth of ...
The Arnold's neuralgia, Also known as occipital neuralgia, it is a condition characterized by severe pain that runs from the back of the neck to the f...
The hypoesthesia it is a perceptual problem in which there is a sensory distortion. Specifically, a partial or total reduction in skin sensitivity app...