The goldenhar syndrome it is one of the most frequent craniofacial malformations. At the clinical level, this pathology is characterized by the develo...
The wallenberg syndrome or lateral bulbar infarction is a type of ischemic cerebral vascular disease. It is a pathology that fundamentally affects the...
The Cori's disease is a genetic pathology of a metabolic nature that produces an abnormal and pathological accumulation of glycogen (glucose storage) ...
The Behçet syndrome It is characterized by an inflammation of the blood vessels throughout the body, in addition to a series of signs that can be igno...
The Pallister-Killian syndrome, Also known as tetrasomy 12, it is a rare disease of genetic origin that is characterized by a wide spectrum of multi-o...
The constitutional syndrome o syndrome of the 3 "A" is a disease characterized by 3 components: asthenia, anorexia and weight loss or significant weig...
The purple disease, Also known as idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, it is a pathology of autoimmune origin characterized by the presence of a plate...
The TORCH syndrome refers to a wide group of pathologies that can cause infectious processes during pregnancy or at the time of birth. Specifically, t...
The nervous alopecia it is a type of hair loss that is caused by stress. In fact, many experts say that stress is one of the greatest enemies of hair ...