The Stockholm syndrome It occurs when a person has unconsciously identified with his aggressor / captor. It is a psychological state where the detaine...
The sleep disorders are medical conditions that alter the sleep patterns of humans. Some of them are serious enough to interfere with the physical, so...
Prevent Alzheimer's Naturally it can be possible with changes in lifestyle, diet and practicing certain physical and mental activities. Although it is...
The nervous tics They are movements or sounds produced in an abrupt and involuntary way, which deviate in an obvious way from the usual way of behavin...
The zootherapy They are individual or group interventions in which an animal, following specific criteria and introduced by a qualified professional, ...
The auditory hallucinations They are an alteration of perception in which unreal sounds are perceived through the auditory sense. This type of halluci...
The psychoanalytic psychotherapy it is based on an increased understanding of our internal world aimed at solving our emotional problems. Its roots ar...
The pogonophobia It is a specific phobia that refers to the irrational, persistent and disproportionate fear of beards, people with beards or facial h...
I'll show you a list of 20 movies about Alzheimer's that will make you delve fully into the disease, and experience the manifestations and feelings it...