The mixed anxiety-depressive disorder It is a condition in which patients present both anxiety and depression symptoms in equal measure, but less inte...
The haphephobia, aphenfosfobia, haphophobia, hapnophobia, haptophobia or chiraptophobiapodría, is a specific phobia in which you experience an intense...
The movies about autism that I bring you in this article will help you understand this disorder a little more and you will enjoy them more if you are ...
The consequences of schizophrenia The main ones are cognitive impairment, isolation, suicide, toxic habits, deficits in skills for daily living, impac...
The short-term and long-term memory loss It is one of the diseases that causes the greatest anxiety, since it plays a fundamental role in our lives, s...
The pure obsessive disorder It is one in which both obsessions and rituals occur covertly. The human brain naturally creates nonsensical thoughts that...
I will show you a list of 15 famous people who have had schizophrenia or at least it is possible, from scientists, through athletes, to artists. Schiz...
The agraphobia It is the excessive fear of being a victim of rape or suffering some kind of violent attack. The fear of this type of situation is very...
The coitophobia it is the fear of sex or the sexual act. It is capable of paralyzing the person and making them capable of completely rejecting any se...