The anhedonia it is the loss of interest or pleasure in all or almost all activities. It is a blockage of the ability to reward normally reinforcing s...
The asthenia it is a symptom produced by a great variety of different causes. It causes the person suffering from it to feel weak and without energy. ...
The pica, pseudorexia, or allotrophagia it is an eating disorder whose main symptom is a great desire to ingest substances that are not nutritious. De...
In this article I will explain 10 activities and games for autistic children that will help them have fun and learn various skills. While it is true t...
The psychological help It can be given by psychologists, family, friends or social services and it is recommended when a person is going through physi...
The anorexia nervosa It is an eating disorder that causes a series of very dangerous symptoms for the health of those who suffer from it. The most imp...
The seasonal affective disorder It is a type of depression that is characterized by appearing exclusively at certain times of the year, usually in win...
A somatization disorder It is any mental illness that is characterized by the presence of physical symptoms that point to bodily problems, but that ca...
The psychodrama It is a type of therapy that uses techniques such as dramatization, role-playing and dialogue between various participants to investig...