The night terrors They are interruptions similar to nightmares, but much more dramatic, that especially affect children, although they can also occur ...
The dissociative amesia It occurs when important personal information is forgotten, which is usually related to a stressful or traumatic event. Memory...
The major depression, Also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it is a mental illness characterized by an extremely depressed moo...
The schizophreniform disorder is a psychopathological condition in which symptoms of schizophrenia are experienced for a few months, remitting due to ...
The blood phobia or hematophobia it is the fear and avoidance of situations that involve exposure -direct or indirect- to blood, injections or wounds....
The narcolepsy is a sleep disorder characterized by sudden sleep attacks that occur in any situation and are irresistible. In addition to drowsiness, ...
The consequences of anorexia on the physical and emotional health of the person are so serious that it can produce irreversible effects for the subjec...
exist two main types of bulimia: purgative and non-purgative. Many people consider bulimia nervosa to be an eating disorder in which people binge and ...
The thanatophobia It is a mental disorder characterized by an excessive fear of death, especially one's own. People who suffer from it have constant t...